Pay attention to research in your industry to understand

It’s also possible that your CPA will be higher than you expect. In other words, you need to stay on top of your advertising to keep your CPA manageable. But what exactly does a high CPA look like? Data from WordStream (via Statista) shows that average CPAs vary by industry.


BB Company’s Google search ads

The average spend is $., while tech companies pay about $. .. Pay attention to research in your industry to understand how your ads are performing. Find out what’s causing your CPA to be too high As you just learned, there are many reasons why your CPA can be too high. Therefore, . These strategies will help you track your ads in detail and identify problems early: Use tracking pixels or: Page-based tracking technology will help you understand which ads convert.


 You may want to use pop-ups or sticky bars on your landing pages to comply with privacy rules and maintain your visitors’ trust. Sort your URLs and coupon codes: No one says you have to use the same URL or coupon code for your ads. Separating them by campaign or ad will give you the opportunity to compare pageviews or redemptions by ad or campaign. How to Control Your CPA So, you’ve discovered that your CPA is high. What to do now? Start lowering your CPA by making some adjustments to your ads. Start here:.


Pause underperforming ads Sometimes ads don’t

sed. Maybe the copy wasn’t quite right, or the image didn’t grab your audience’s attention. There’s no shame in pausing underperforming ads to focus on the ones that are. Think of it as the KonM approach to advertising, but instead of keeping only the ones that spark joy, you keep the ones that inspire action. Ding! If you haven’t optimized your landing pages yet, you really should make it a habit. For example, data scientist Tomi Mester tested two landing page variations and found that one version brought in . conversions and the other brought in .


So imagine the conversion rate for the second article.

The lower, the fewer wasted impressions, so how much lower the CPA  Guinea Email List must be. .. Give Your Landing Pages Some TLC If your campaign involves landing pages, remember to monitor their quality just as you monitor the quality of your ads. CPA is a team effort of all your campaign elements, including your landing pages. While your goal is to drive traffic and conversions on your landing pages, it’s the quality of your landing pages that will get visitors to convert. Of course, landing page quality depends on the observer. Different landing page designs will appeal to different audiences.

You may need to spend a lot of time to solve this problem.

to switch up targeting and design. Or, Charting Your Course: Where to Begin Your Lead Generation Journey  you can let smart technology do the heavy lifting. Smart Flow takes the guesswork out of it by automatically redirecting traffic to the landing page variation they’re interested in. Sometimes, a subtle difference like a color scheme can make the difference in conversions, and Smart Flow can seize that opportunity. Image courtesy of ConstructConnect Take the ConstructConnect team as an example. They direct traffic to three different landing page variations — two of which differ only in design.


This simple division in Smart Traffic makes the overall conversion rate

%. Bring your content to life with video Video can greatly increase your ad conversion potential, especially for landing pages. Adding video to your landing page can increase conversions by up to %. This statistic makes sense. Video is often easier to digest than reams of copy. Plus, as a moving visual, it grabs people’s attention better than text or images alone. Even if you don’t have the budget for a full-blown production, try a landing page with a video background.


 Some templates have these backgrounds built in, with room for a few seconds of video. You can record something simple yourself, or use stock options. Vidyard shared a Slack landing page with a simple video callout you can use for inspiration: Image courtesy of Slack. Retargeting Interested Customers Why focus all your efforts on new customers when you already have interested people in front of you? Try using ads and landing pages for retargeting campaigns that focus on getting previously interested people back.


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